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Yuqori tezlikdagi eshik

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Yuqori tezlikdagi eshik O'zbekiston

Ish tavsifi: AQShning oziq-ovqat mahsulotlarini qayta ishlash zavodiga sexda hosildorlikni oshiradigan eshik tizimi kerak edi va ular SEPPESning yuqori tezlikdagi eshiklar seriyasini tanladilar. An'anaviy eshik tizimlarining sekin ochilishi va yopilish tezligi kirishga xalaqit berdi ...

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Yuqori tezlikdagi eshik

Ish tavsifi:

A U.S. food processing plant needed a door system that would increase productivity on the shop floor, and they chose SEPPES' High Speed Door series. The slow opening and closing speeds of traditional door systems were interfering with the operation of the production line, and the installation of SEPPES' High Speed Door dramatically reduced opening and closing times and improved the overall efficiency of the production line.

Mahsulot xususiyatlari:

High-speed opening and closing: Opening and closing speeds of up to 2 meters per second dramatically increase efficiency.

Bardoshli materiallar: Tear-resistant synthetic material withstands high frequency switching operations.

Intellektual boshqaruv tizimi: Equipped with automatic switches and sensors to ensure efficient operation and safety of the door.

Xaridorning afzalliklari:

Hosildorlikni oshirish: High-speed switching reduces line downtime and improves overall productivity.

Kengaytirilgan xavfsizlik: Intelligent control system reduces human error and improves safety in the work environment.

Kamaytirilgan texnik xizmat ko'rsatish xarajatlari: Durable materials and intelligent systems reduce maintenance frequency and operating costs.

Nima uchun SEPPES:

SEPPES' High Speed Door has proven its value in multiple industries due to its superior design and high performance. Our products meet international standards and provide reliable performance and quality service.

Ilova ssenariylari:

Food processing plants, warehouses, production plants for environments requiring high frequency switching and high speed operation.


Yuqori tezlikli spiral eshik

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