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Höghastighets spiraldörr Sverige

Fallbeskrivning: Ett stort franskt lagerföretag som letar efter en lösning för att spara utrymme och öka hastigheten vid öppning och stängning av dörrar valde SEPPES High Speed ​​Spiral Door, som ger snabb öppning och stängning utan att ta upp extra...

Höghastighets spiraldörr


A large French warehousing company looking for a solution to save space and increase the speed at which doors open and close chose SEPPES' High Speed Spiral Door, which provides high speed opening and closing without taking up additional space, greatly improving the efficiency of warehouse access.


Swing Opening Mechanism: The swing door design allows for fast opening and closing while saving space.

ENERGY EFFICIENT DESIGN: Highly efficient insulation reduces energy loss and lowers energy costs.

WIND RESISTANT PERFORMANCE: Designed for strength to withstand strong winds and inclement weather.

Köparens förmåner:

UTRYMMES SPARANDE: Rotary opening and closing mechanism reduces door footprint and improves warehouse utilization.

Minskade energikostnader: Efficient insulation design reduces energy consumption and lowers operating costs.

Förbättrad tillgänglighet: High-speed opening and closing mechanism improves warehouse accessibility and optimizes logistics processes.

Varför SEPPES:

SEPPES' High Speed Spiral Door utilizes advanced technology and quality materials to meet high standards of performance. We are committed to providing customized solutions to suit different operational needs.


Large warehousing companies, industrial parks, logistics centers, for places that require space-saving and efficient access.


Höghastighets staplingsdörr

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