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Өндөр хурдны цахилгаан товчтой хаалга Монгол

Тохиолдол: Японы өндөр технологийн цахилгаан бараа үйлдвэрлэгч компани үйлдвэрлэлийн шугамд байнга орох, гарах асуудалтай тулгардаг SEPPES-ийн өндөр хурдны цахилгаан товчийг сонгосон хаалганы систем нь тус компанид аюулгүй байдал, ашиглалтыг сайжруулахад тусалсан...

Холбоо барих
Өндөр хурдны цахилгаан товчтой хаалга

Тохиолдлын тайлбар:

A high-tech electronics manufacturing company in Japan faced with the problem of frequent entry and exit of production lines chose SEPPES' High Speed Zipper Door, a door system that has helped the company improve the safety and operational efficiency of its production lines due to its superior sealing performance and high speed.

Бүтээгдэхүүний онцлог:

Intelligent Zipper Design: Utilizes an intelligent zipper mechanism to provide better sealing performance.

Өндөр хурдны ажиллагаа: Opening and closing speed reaches 3 meters per second, suitable for high-frequency production lines.

AUTO CLEANING SYSTEM: Equipped with an automatic cleaning function that reduces the need for maintenance.

Худалдан авагчийн ашиг тус:

Improved line safety: Intelligent zipper design improves door sealing and prevents contaminants from entering the production area.

Бүтээмж нэмэгдсэн: High speed operation reduces line downtime and optimizes the production process.

Засвар үйлчилгээний зардал буурсан: The automatic cleaning system reduces the need for manual maintenance and lowers long-term operating costs.

Яагаад SEPPES:

SEPPES' High Speed Zipper Door combines advanced zipper technology with efficient speed performance designed for demanding production environments. We offer customized solutions to ensure that our customers' specific needs are met.

Хэрэглээний хувилбар:

High-tech electronics manufacturing plants, cleanrooms, food processing plants, for production environments that require efficient closure and frequent opening and closing.


Тусгаарлагч өндөр хурдны хаалга

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